6 Simple Ways to Be Light

I’m so honored to have Betsy de Cruz sharing with us today. May you see the light of hope and love through her words.  Be blessed!

You and I are called to be the light of the world. Six simple ways to shine for Jesus this week.

Recently I found myself arm in arm with sisters I’d never met before in the women’s room at church. We prayed blessings over the life of a woman who desperately needed Jesus. It started when a slender, silver-haired woman walked up to me while I waited in line. She beamed a smile.

“Hi, my name’s Angie. Have you read this book yet?”

I was confused when she held up a copy of Rick Warren’s A Purpose-Driven Life. I said I’d already read it, so she smiled and moved on to the next person.

“How sweet,” I thought. “What a generous woman to give away a book she’s already read.”

Pretty soon, my new friend found a taker for her book. She started talking to a young Asian woman. Come to find out, this woman didn’t know Jesus. Ana was newly-divorced and still hurting.

After they talked a few minutes, Angie said, “Can I pray for you?” I was standing nearby, so I got pulled in too. A fourth woman joined us. As we interceded for Ana right there in the women’s room, tears welled up in her eyes. We hugged her, and one of the women gave Ana her phone number.

Then I followed Angie out the bathroom door to ask if she always gave books away like that.

“Oh yes,” she said. “I go to the discount shelves at used book stores and buy Christian books for 2 dollars each. Then I give them away at supermarkets, doctors’ offices, and parks. I get to share the gospel and pray for people all the time.”

Angie bubbled with enthusiasm. As I looked at her wrinkled cheeks, beautiful make up, and stylish clothes, she didn’t look much like Jesus. But then again, I was pretty sure I saw Him in her smiling eyes.

What I saw was light.

I saw the Light of the World shining through a slim, 70 year old frame.

Angie reminded me of what Jesus said:

You and I are call to be the light of the world. scripture


The Light of the World calls us to shine for Him.

Angie shines Jesus’ light when she gives away Christian books. You and I might do it differently. Maybe our lights shine as Christ’s ambassadors at our work places or at our kids’ schools. We shine when we invite neighbors for a meal. Recently I spent a beautiful hour at a Greyhound bus station; I talked with and prayed for three women who needed hope.

Here Are 6 Simple Ways to Be Lights of Hope and Love

Pray daily for non-believing friends and family.

Be friendly and talk to people at the park, gym, or grocery store.

Carry a tract or booklet in your purse. Look for an opportunity to give it away.

Invite a neighbor to your house for ice cream on Sunday afternoon.

Offer to pray for a non-Christian friend, either on the phone or in person.

Invite a friend to church.

You and I are called to be the light of the world. Here are 6 simple ways to shine for Jesus this week.

How about letting your light shine this week? God wants to use you to bring love and hope to someone who needs it. Don’t be surprised by the joy you’ll feel as you reach out to others.

Now it’s your turn: Have you had an opportunity to share Christ’s light lately? Does one of these ideas appeal to you?

Betsy de Cruz headshot

Betsy de Cruz enjoys God, life with teenagers and dark roast coffee. She and her crazy nomad family are currently in Turkey, their favorite spot on earth. Betsy’s passion is to encourage women to get God’s Word in, so their faith can spill out, even during life’s bumpy moments. She knows what it’s like to have a family blow-up with fireworks during breakfast, and she writes about everyday faith at faithspillingover.com. You can also connect with Betsy on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Photo credit: Melika

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