Seriously, God?  Have You seen my list?  It is L O N G.  It’s my husband’s birthday. People are coming.  There is SO much to do.  So many things on my list to do.  Don’t You know, Lord? I’ve gotta…

You’ve gotta…DO WHAT?  Have you seen MY Word or MY list?

Psalm 46:10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”


What on your list is more important than:


Spending time with ME?

Spending time in MY Word?

Hearing MY direction for you?

Hearing MY input to guide your output?

Adding MY to dos to your to do list?

Oh, Father.  Thank You.  For slowing me down long enough to hear You in the midst of my clamor.  To savor Your peace in the midst of my pressure to perform.  To feel Your hand in my clenched fist…to open it…AND me…up.  So I choose to spend a moment being loved on by You.

He walks with me and He talks with me and He says that I am His own…

Thank You for singing Your love song to me, Father.  I love You.  Do it again!

In Jesus name.  Amen

The verse is NIV and found at  #bgbg2