Do you know you’re already amazing? Nobody’s told you that already? Or if they did, you chose to dismiss it, because you know yourself (i.e., your flaws so well) correct? Newsflash…
You’re Already Amazing!
You’re Already Amazing LifeGrowth Guide Video Did I share you want to watch this video? Why? To see the truth for yourself…
What do you think makes it so hard for women to believe they’re already amazing? Have we been told all our lives we:
Aren’t good enough
Will never measure up
Are stupid – or so smart we’re considered a weirdo!
Are too fat – or skinny!
Someone else can do a better job
Whatever lie we’ve heard…
What helps?
For me, the truth of God’s word.
Holley Gerth shares powerful words in You’re Already Amazing that we need to hear. These truths from God’s word, the Bible, free us from hindering thoughts and beliefs. Just like the graphic above says,
With Jesus
We’re not only amazing.
We’re enough.
We’re beautiful.
We’re wanted.
We’re chosen.
We’re called.
We’ve got what it takes…
Not just to survive but to
Change the world.
There’s nothing God can’t form into something beautiful. How have you experienced this firsthand?
For me, loss, tremendous loss including my youngest son, a sister, both my sister-in-law and her husband in a relatively short span of time were not beautiful, but God took ashes and created beauty.
To all who mourn in Israel,
he will give a crown of beauty for ashes,
a joyous blessing instead of mourning,
festive praise instead of despair.
In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks
that the Lord has planted for his own glory.
Isaiah 61:3 (NLT)
The beauty God created with each loss was miraculous to me, deepening my faith in His faithfulness, regardless of the situation. His love endures forever!
How so?
A caress across my broken heart,
The words He spoke to me, “I’ve got her, she’s Mine.”
A magnificent dream of my son, Kyle, dancing with Jesus
The Light of God shining off the face of my dying sister-in-law
Look closely, lean into these words, You’re Already Amazing. Choose to believe them. Let Holley Gerth’s book and LifeGrowth Guide, You’re Already Amazing, lead you step by step into truly realizing You’re Already Amazing.
You’ll be glad you did. Why do I say that with confidence?
It’s not about the size of our faith, it’s about Who we’re placing our faith in and what God can do.
So who do you trust? Yourself or God? I choose God. I recommend you hear what He has to say about you and directly to you through the words Holley penned in the You’re Already Amazing LifeGrowth Guide.
We are closest to and most like Jesus when we are fully being who He created us to be.
Yes, Jesus says we can do all things through Him – but He never says we have to do it ALL!
So be who He created you to be. Why? You’re Already Amazing!
Get connected with Holley Gerth and while you’re there, get your LifeGrowth Guide.
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You’re right indeed, Susan..
Thank you Indah.
I loved this study! Just the title got me energized to jump right in. What a great bonus of being a blogger to get to preview this material. Thank you for hosting this wonderful linkup and thank you for sharing it with us at Sitting Among Friends on Wednesdays.
Thanks Jaime! Holley’s words settle deep in my soul – love them too! Hugs, Susan
Thanks for sharing this inspiring post about Holly’s book and the truth that we truly are amazing through Christ, Susan. This is a message we all need to internalize and spread to others. Thanks for the linkup, my friend!
You are most welcome Beth! We do need to hear encouraging words! Hugs, Susan
I hope to read this book one day. I’ve heard a lot of good things about it!
Oh, ENJOY! You will be blessed for sure Renee! Susan
Thank you so much for sharing this very encouraging post!
I found myself re-reading the list over and over again, that I am wanted, enough, etc. and wondered why me who grew up with parents that “thought I hung the moon” and still do; with a husband who loves me unconditionally, yet I can have trouble feeling “wanted” or “enough”. It’s because I am allowing myself to focus on Satan’s lies rather than God’s truth.
I could feel my heart lifting as I read over and over again the how my Heavenly Father feels about me. Such great reminders, that shouldn’t be a reminder, but a way of life.
So beautiful! We MUST remember we are uniquely and eternally loved by our Great God! Hugs, Susan
Susan, I love that you address the question, What makes us think we’re not amazing? We have to overcome the lies we’ve believed, don’t we? When we can see ourselves through God’s eyes, then we can believe the truth that we are amazing. 🙂
Thanks for sharing a bit of your story. I’m your neighbor at #RaRaLinkup today. It’s so nice to “meet” you!
Jeanne, It’s a pleasure to “meet” you too! and yes, we must hear truth often! We are amazing children who are loved by the God of all creation. And He made us to BE LOVED by Him!
Thanks for hosting the linkup Susan:) I just love your generous heart<3 Have a blessed week, friend!
Hi Susan! I have a list of books I want to read and this is definately one of them! Thank you for hosting the link-up!
Yes, we all are already amazing. Your post reminded me of the song “Beautiful Things” by Gungor. God makes beautiful things out of dust and out of us.
I have loved Holley’s book and this study guide looks fantastic. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your excitement over the new resource.
Thanks for hosting the link up.
Oh this looks like a wonderful resource! Thank you for sharing it here, Susan. And thanks for hosting today. May the Lord bless you today, friend!
YES! Be who God created you to be! Love this message! Thanks for sharing about her book… Guess I’ll add that to my ever growing list! #needmoretimetoread
Who doesn’t want to hear this message about a bazillion times? There is life found in these words. Thank you Holley and Susan for the morning reminder! XOXO
My copy is on its way! Can’t wait to let the truth of it clear all the cobwebs out of my faith and confidence!
Oh Michele, you will love it! Susan
Great reminders and beautiful words, Susan. Stopping by from #LiveFreeThursday. Keep writing, sister!
Thanks Kelly. I love the way Holley Gerth writes and encourages us.
Hi Susan. Thank you for sharing about Holley’s new book and how we all need help in this area. I needed to be reminded of the biblical truth behind this: “Look closely, lean into these words, You’re Already Amazing. Choose to believe them.” I was encouraged by reading ‘You’re Already Amazing’ some time ago, and this year I’m appreciating the daily nuggets of encouragement which the series calendar provides. Blessed to be your neighbour at this week’s #coffeeforyourheart link up! 🙂
Oh Joy, I’m so glad those words resonated with you today. Hugs. Susan
“It’s not about the size of our faith, it’s about Who we’re placing our faith in and what God can do.” I love that line. It’s the second time today that I’ve read something that challenged my thinking in this area. God isn’t limited by the size of my faith. Thank goodness for that. That certainly is good news! Thanks so much for sharing that, Susan.
Wishing you blessings,
Marva, it is great news that we can’t and don’t limit God, isn’t it?! Hugs. Susan