
Have you ever been shaken by a situation or a spoken word?  Did it feel like your world was falling apart – and landing right on top you?


So many things can shake our world – or our worldview. Have you ever considered how many ways loss expresses itself and shakes us up? So many forms of loss…

Have you ever been so shaken by a situation or a word that your world felt like it was falling apart - and onto you? This post contains 3 scriptures to recall in the chaos.

You – or someone you know – may have experienced a shaking – or many.  There are so many facets to how we are or can be shaken – these are just a few that are top of mind.

Loss of a promotion, a pet, a piece of property or even a person we dearly love – and our world is shaken.

Loss of our pride, a ding on a prized award we worked so diligently to earn, or God forbid – we think – a truth confronting a prejudice we carry in whatever form it expresses itself.

Loss of the ability to conceive – oh how that makes one (or many) grieve.

Loss of a longstanding friendship – how that frightens, frustrates and fuels an emotional roller coaster.  Have you ever been shaken by one of those HUGE roller coasters? The Texas Giant at Six Flags Over Texas literally shook an earring out of my pierced ears. Loss of a friendship is even more precious than that displaced diamond (thankfully it was found at my feet!)

Have you ever been so shaken by a situation or a word said that your world felt like it was falling apart - and landing right on top you? This post has 3 verses to hold onto when your world is shaken.

[Tweet “Are shaken friendships laying at our feet to be found, fixed and refueled?”]

Loss of our faith. Not only does that shake our world, quite frankly it frightens me. My older son, after losing his younger brother, believes there cannot be a God, for how would a good God take good people away so tragically? How that hurts my heart to hear.

Hear the Heavenly Voice
25 See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven, 26 whose voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised, saying, “Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven.” 27 Now this, “Yet once more,” indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain.
28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. 29 For our God is a consuming fire.
Hebrews 12:25-29 (NKJV)

[Tweet “In all circumstances, I pray we hear the Heavenly Voice of God.”]

May He reveal Himself to those who have lost their way, quiet our souls, still our minds, and hold our hearts so near and dear to His Almighty Presence. He alone can shake us in ways designed to ensure His will is done. May we listen for God’s voice and serve Him well.  Why? To remain in our Holy God’s Kingdom, because then we cannot be shaken by those things which are made by man.

12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:12-13 (NIV)

We will see face to face. Glory!

We know in part now and what we know shakes our world from time to time. Yet we have His truth – we will see Him face to face. And God loves us with an everlasting love. Oh, how that strengthens my faith and renews my hope!

Reverence. Godly fear. Grace. Peace. Faith. Hope. Love.
But the greatest of these is love.

Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
    he is my fortress, I will not be shaken 
Psalm 62:6

Thank You, Holy Father God.

[Tweet “I stand on You, God, my rock, salvation and fortress. I will not be shaken!”]

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41 thoughts on “Shaken

  1. I have experienced some losses over the past three years. I’ve found myself experiencing increased anxiety and maybe even depression. I have found that I turned my back I God even if I never claimed it openly.

    He is amazing and has done so much in my life through these losses. What you’ve shared is in {His} perfect timing.

    What else will He have you share to help me or another at Literacy Musing Mondays.? I can’t wait to find out!

  2. Yes, I’ve definitely had my world shaken over and over. But I LOVE that we can rest our feet on the One who can’t be shaken! Love these scriptures and truths. Thanks, Susan.

  3. I’ve been shaken many times and what helps me is to find purpose in the pain. We often don’t understand it when we are shaken, but once we are on the other side of it, we can share our experience and God given revelations to help others. Thanks for this post!

  4. Susan, I remember seeing a Beth Moore lesson where she says sometimes God “throws a big grenade in the middle of a group of people to shake them up and disperse them”. She went on to explain that this group of people benefit from this “grenade” because it moves them into God’s will rather than staying somewhere comfortable. I thought that was such a neat analogy.

    Thanks for sharing such an edifying post!

    1. Bless you, yes that would stir up the crowd. I was actually in the grandstand in Boston at the Marathon when the first bomb exploded directly across the street from me…

  5. Susan, Thank you for sharing this story and encouragement. I too have a loved one who isn’t sure they believe anymore, and so I’ve just prayed for both yours and mine, that the Lord will show them His love for them personally and call them to Himself, regardless of the terrible experiences they’ve been through. He is greater! Praying and believing, Angela

  6. We can definitely be shaken by so many different things. Thank you for pointing us back to God who is our rock of salvation. Blessings on your day and week!

  7. Loved reading your inspiring words, Susan! It’s not a matter of IF we get shaken, but WHEN. How are we going to respond and get through those moments?? By the grace of God! Blessings to you!

  8. I’m so sorry to hear that you lost a son and that your oldest has chosen not to believe in God because of it, Susan. How tragic on both counts! I can’t even imagine what faith it takes for you to be such a shining light here. So I thank you for continuing to point us to Christ–urging us to stand firm when our world is shaking all around us. God is our only steady foundation in a world that is filled with more shaking than peace. Thanks also for the linkup, my friend!

  9. Wonderful & encouraging post. In days like we are seeing in our country, we so need to remember that our God will not be shaken. He stands firm and faithful. And He will keep us steady too. Blessings!

  10. Hi Susan,
    I’m your neighbor at FiveMinute Friday today. Interesting – I came to give words of encouragement on your post using the word ‘season’ – the prompt for today – but have found a post about ‘shaken’ instead. I believe we serve a God who knows what we need and knows how to provide it to us – don’t you? So there’s a reason I’m here. Two thoughts resonate with me today – first, I have an unresolved ‘shaken’ friendship and have been feeling like it’s up to me to ‘unshake’ it. I just don’t, yet, know how. This will definitely be a prayer priority. Second, I love that we both chose different sections of 1 Corinthians 13 today. Again, not coincidence. There’s a reason. I have been mulling over the concept of unconditional love in considering some of the events on the news lately. It’s in this passage, isn’t it? The answer? I feel very blessed to have stopped by today. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Susan, I can understand how your son might feel that way. Many people do. Never having been through such a tragedy, I cannot say how I’d feel, but I know that through the confusion and anger, I’d still want to hold on to the One who holds me. So I pray that your son will get to that place. Thank you for another post that allows your vulnerability to be shown.

  12. I was nodding and smiling along with each piece of wisdom you were sharing and then stopped quietly at the section on shaken friendships. That one hit a sore spot because I think that is an area that is hard to reconcile if the shaking doesn’t settle well. You have given me something to think about today, and pray. 🙂

  13. I pray that your son rediscovers his faith and confidence in a Heavenly Father that grieved over the loss of this son and brother. I pray that the joy that radiates from you will draw him close to Christ. I pray that his hurting heart is held closely in the hands of his Heavenly Father, and that the pain will be eased. Thank you for sharing with the #livefreeThursday linkup. I always love seeing your sweet face show up on my blog.

  14. Susan thanks, as always, for hosting and your heart. Love your writings and such truths we need to take hold of today with all that is happening in our world.

  15. Thanks for hosting, and thanks for the beautiful, from the heart post. As a mom, I also know the pain of hearing a grown child reject the faith of their childhood because of circumstances. I said a prayer for you and your son this morning.

  16. Susan,

    What a beautiful blog post. So many things can shake us to our core today – life is hard! But you are right that we have His truth to stand on and keep us from being shaken when those things happen!

    Many Blessings, Darcy

  17. Susan! Your words and your graphic sent an Amy Carmichael quote rocketing into my head! I won’t get this exactly, but she said that a cup brimful of sweet milk will not spill one drop of sour milk — no matter how sharply it is jarred. Or shaken! I think of this all the time because my cup CERTAINLY reveals its contents all over the place when I’m jostled. God, give us grace to be that cup of sweet milk! Thanks, Susan, for your beautiful blog posts which always inspire me to do more, to be more.

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