National Day of Prayer 2018

On the first Thursday of each May, the National Day of Prayer for the United States of America is observed. In these days of political and social unrest, how do we live settled in an unsettled world?

Have you settled in the midst of challenges? The National Day of Prayer in the USA is observed on the first Thursday in May. In these days of political and social unrest, how do we live settled in an unsettled world? Repent and turn back to God...Get your copy of the Living Settled in an Unsettled World A to Z graphic.

Repent and turn back to God…

Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, 
Acts 3:19 (NIV)

Yes, Lord, we pray for Your refreshing to come as You unite us.

The Scripture for 2018 National Day of Prayer is Ephesians 4:3, “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

Yes, Lord, unity and peace. May Your peace prevail as we address how we live settled in an unsettled world. Yet let me ask a question first.

Have you found yourself in a place between where you once were and where your heart longs to be?

I have, as have many of us, if we are honest with ourselves. Sometimes we feel like we are stuck between a rock and a hard place, yet in-between times can also challenge us to act according to God’s word and grow. 

How did you feel?

Flat out MAD
At someone else…or at God?

Or were you content in the midst of the:
Job change
Job loss
Fertility treatments
Adoption process
Your kiddo’s childhood
Your kiddo’s teenage years (yikes!)

Oh Lord! How long is this list? Endless…

Our varied situations are just that – unique to each one of us, yet so similar in the thoughts, feelings and actions produced in us.

Or calm acceptance

Anger and animosity
Or peace in His presence

Or recognizing His blessings and faithfulness

Or do we share words that soothe souls?

I wonder if a list of A to Z is possible to produce?

Have you settled in the midst of challenges? The National Day of Prayer in the USA is observed on the first Thursday in May. In these days of political and social unrest, how do we live settled in an unsettled world? Repent and turn back to God...Get your copy of the Living Settled in an Unsettled World A to Z graphic.

YES! Possibly more than one list actually, yet K, Y, X and Z were challenging words.

May I ask a question? Have you settled in the midst of your challenges? How about in life?

This is NOT settle as in, “OK, God, if that’s all I get, I’ll settle for it.”

This word settle is like a mother hen that settles into the task at hand-her God-given purpose. Mothering, protecting, covering, warming, feeding, and giving life to her little ones.

As for the rest of you, dear brothers and sisters, never get tired of doing good.
2 Thessalonians 3:13 (NLT)

Never tire of doing good. Thank You for the reminder Lord!

[Tweet “I wonder. Am I doing good and giving life to others? Are you?”]

Please tell me, as I want to know how you are breathing new life into yourself and others!

Would you like a copy of the Living Settled in an Unsettled World A to Z graphic?

Reply in the comments and I’ll email it to you – and I promise not to spam you. I pray these words encourage you in the midst of any unsettled situations you face today…and tomorrow.

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14 thoughts on “National Day of Prayer 2018

  1. What a great A to Z list! One thing I know is that prayer is a good way to help me be settled and to trust in God. Blessings to you!

  2. Great reminders for us to be thankful for!
    Thank you for sharing on #omhgff this week!
    Pinned and Tweeted!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. I cannot say how much I love this list. What a wonderful way to bring oneself back into focus. Please send me a copy so I can refer to it often.

  4. I too have asked that same question Susan. Am I doing any good and giving life to others ??? I hope Jesus and others would say YES – I am an encourager at heart and so,I do try to be a life giver and not a life taker. thanks for hosting 🙂

  5. Thanks for this Susan! It’s so easy, especially in prayer, to be focused on circumstances and others and not on settling into God’s wil!

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