

Knock knock.

Who’s there?

Really God?  Why did you plant a knock knock joke in my head when I planned to be all serious about Jesus as the door to our true life? The door to how You created us to be…from before we were formed in the womb…

The door to YOU…

Knock, knock.

Ask and it shall be given to you.

Seek and you will find.

Knock and the door will be opened.

So Father I ASK You to open the door to my heart Lord … to SEE You.

ASK – ask, seek, knock – I literally just saw the order ASK, ask, seek, knock.  How many years have I been reading Matthew 7:7? Thank You, Father, for continuing to reveal new insight into Your beautiful, life-giving Word.

Knock, knock…

Who’s there?

Your daughter…May I come in?

Ask, Seek, Knock ] “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7 

Thank You, Father. And the words – the door will be opened to you – invites me in. How do I begin to thank You for your invitation?

For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.  Matthew 7:8
Asks – Receives
Seeks – Finds
Knocks – Opened
Father, Your assurance is beautiful to behold. Evidence echoes throughout Your Book that we can trust You to be faithful to and for us. Your Word even instructs us, entreating us to enter into Your holy presence properly.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving
    and his courts with praise;
    give thanks to him and praise his name.  Psalm 100:4 (NIV)



I give thanks and praise Your Holy Name, Father God.  So many glorious, godly attributes to praise and be grateful for, Father…

Adonai, The God Who Rules

Elohim, The Strong Creator God

Jehovah, LORD, the Self-Existing One, The Relational God

El Shaddai, Lord God Almighty, The All – Sufficient One, The God who is More Than Enough.

El Elyon, The Most High God

Jehovah Jireh, The Lord Will Provide

Jehovah Nissi, The Lord my Banner

Jehovah Rophe, The Lord Who Heals

Immanuel, God With Us…JESUS

“From cover to cover, the Bible offers us insights into Jesus’s character and purpose…(to) give us a deeper and clearer glimpse into the One who has come as Immanuel to be the living fulfillment and manifestation of all God’s names,” says Dr. Tony Evans in his book, The Power of God’s Names.

Thank You, Father God, for the descriptions of Your character and purpose. I want to know You, all aspects You choose to reveal.  And I praise Your Holy Name for sending Your Son, Jesus, to open the door for me – and so many others – to come close to You.

20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.  21 To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne.

Revelation 3:20-21 (NIV)

Knock, knock.
[Tweet “Thank You, Jesus. Now You are the one knocking – for me to open the door for You.”]
Praise God! Please come in, Jesus. My hearts desire is to be victorious, Lord. Yes indeed.
Victorious is to be given the right to sit with You, Jesus. Eternally.
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34 thoughts on “Knock

  1. Thanks so much, Susan for posting this. What an encouragement to keep going and remember that we don’t have a God Who is far away, or not listening or too busy….Our God is Abba, Dad.
    So happy to find my way back here.
    Blessings from Holland,

  2. Pingback: from the cracks
  3. I love all the names of God, Susan! They elevate God to where His rightful place in my life. Didn’t know you hosted a linkup! I’ll add your button to my blog and pop on over this Friday!

  4. Amen. He’s always seeking, always knocking on our heart’s door, always longing to be our Savior, Healer, Comforter.

    I’m so grateful He loves us so!

  5. Too much fun with the knock knock joke! There is a beautiful picture at LifeWay that I love where Jesus is at the door but there is not door knob on his side, because he is waiting for us to open the door to him. Thanks for sharing and for hosting 🙂

  6. Ah, I love His names here! A friend challenged me recently to pray to the name that speaks most closely to my heart. It’s intimate….relational, so much more than just a big God with better things to do than listen to little human me:) Thanks Susan and I hope your weekend is wonderful!

  7. Hi Susan – It was so nice to meet you last night at CWIMA. God is so awesome. The scheduled post today from Sow & Gather is on Matthew 7:7 – Perfect timing. Glad we could Linkup. (PS – Hope you had a great work out this morning!)

  8. I love how you started this post. I’m knocking at my Father’s door and He always receives me with open arms. It’s amazing to think that He also knocks on my door! Wonderful post!

  9. Susan, what a touching post. <3 I did a study on the names of God years ago, and ever since, I've been intrigued by all of the many names God's given Himself. I love coming across them in my Bible reading. And, in the last year, I've started using an NLT Bible, and I love how the names are sometimes expressed differently in that translation. Makes me think about them in new ways. 🙂 Loved this, thanks for sharing. 🙂

    1. Brenda, yes it is so wonderful to see all the different aspects of God as expressed through His many names. And we still have SO MUCH to learn! YEA! I’ll have to get the NLT to see even more…Thanks for sharing that gift with me. Hugs. Susan

  10. I love reading the names of God and thinking about how each one applies to my life. Thank you for sharing those today! Oh and by the way, I tried to link up, but the linky tool isn’t showing up on my computer for some reason. Just wanted to let you know. I didn’t want you to think I was being unsociable:) Heehee. Blessings, friend!

    1. Kristine, thanks for the heads up-I think it is fixed. SORRY! (Tried the voting option, it cut it off at one hour instead of starting the voting in an hour. NOT doing that anymore, huh? Susan

    1. Fabulous that He sent you here to get your reminder, huh, Michele? I love to see how God works through us. And thanks for letting me know it touched your heart and provided you what you needed to day. Hugs, Susan

  11. Hello Susan, sometimes life can be overwhelming! Maybe we forget too soon how to actually knock and wait to receive. I love the refreshment today. You have made my day.

    Hugs and kisses
    Blessings to you Susan

  12. Susan,
    So thankful that the Lord opens the door when I knock, and He answers and provides when I ask, and I find Him when I seek Him. He is God with us (Immanuel)…not an elusive, uninvolved Lord. I love all the different names for Him and how each aspect of His character meets every single one of our needs. How cool is that?! Thanks for a lovely reminder this am!

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