Family is…
Full of love, hugs, hope and delight
Full of failures…and delights
Fraught with distressing moments
Full, so very full, of faith
From our Father in Heaven
The Father’s hands tending a grave, removing the grip of death on His Son
Faithful Father, giver of life
What is family composed of? Father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousins, niece, nephew, in-laws (or out-laws to some!), grandfather, grandmother and some even have great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers alive in their generation to love and learn from.
My now 91 year old mom and 90 year old dad introduced me to “Our Father” who art in Heaven, for which I am forever and eternally grateful. Mom taught me as a child that I am never alone.
“Hold His hand, sweetheart, and He will hold yours too. And He will gently squeeze your hand to let you know He is with you,” Mother wisely taught me.
Yes, Jesus lives “down in my heart” as the song we learned in Vacation Bible School teaches. And He is always with me and holds my hands…and the hands of His precious brothers and sisters when they reach out to Him.
What a gift to receive as a child! I was not frightened by much (except that open closet door with the billowing clothes) Why? Because Jesus was with me, faithfully holding my hand. Never alone….Indeed a gift.
When I pray, to this very day, my hands are typically tightly clasped and I feel His Holy presence with me, comforting me. And oh, how I need His comforting presence, each and every day. Why? Life.
Youngest son, buried. Oldest son so mad at God for losing his younger brother, he won’t talk, text or come see me. That simply hurts. It’s hard. And it’s a hazardous playground for the enemy to meddle with my mind.
Yet God holds my heart and my hand in His to heal even these deep wounds. And He gives me hope with His Holy word that even this gaff will be healed and this family will be made whole, healed, and healthy. (I just received a text from him. Praise God! Thank You, Father, for your good works and gifts.)
The best gift God gave us is Jesus. Did you know He is my Big Brother? That’s what the Bible teaches. I bet you’ve read the verse that says you are a joint heir in Christ. So He is your Big Brother too.
17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for the adoption of sonship, the redemption of our bodies. Romans 8:17, 22-23
Co-heirs. Suffer. Glory. Childbirth. Pains. Wait eagerly. Adoption. Sonship. Redemption. Sound familiar? Sounds like LIFE to me!
Since God is The Father of Jesus and Jesus is His Son and I am an heir of God and a co-heir with Christ, then His Father is my Father too. And that makes me His sister in Christ. Right?
[Tweet “Co-heir. Yep, Jesus is my Big Brother.”]The very best Big Brother ever. Thank You, Jesus. I love my family.
You, too?
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This is so achingly beautiful. You write from the raw love in your own heart, and I am honored to be one of many who read your words. Thank you for being vulnerable and authentic.
Thank you Summer. Your words bless me more than you can possibly know. Hugs from my heart to yours. Susan
Precious Susan
I was going to ask you to keep my family in prayer and then i read about your son.
A rude awakening that we must have an attitude of gratitude at all times.
May God continue to restore the relations and emptiness death has dawned upon your hearts.
Warm Regards and Kingdoms Blessings
What a blessing it is to hear your heart and your story of life. Thank you for sharing something so dear to you. Thank you sharing the Glory of God in all situations, even the painful ones. What a beautiful post!
Susan…I am grateful God designed families. Thank you for your excellent post. Visiting from Me, Coffee and Jesus.
So sorry to hear about your loss, but God’s gain. Anger is one of the grieving processes and I’m glad to hear that your eldest son finally texted you. These things take time. I will pray for your family this morning! God bless! P.S. I popped over from Sundays Down Under linky party.
What a beautiful tribute to family, Susan. You have a wonderful legacy. #FridayBlogBooster
These words are so powerful and poetic. How wonderful that you are able to seek God and look for the Good in life. Prayers that your son will see your example and rise to meet it.
Father, cover Susan’s eldest with a gentleness that only you can provide. Soften him Father…send the ones he needs to hear from and give them words that he will respond to. I thank you for Your healing and Your timing. May you strengthen Susan through the wait and bless the incredible work you have set forth before her. I praise You for her and trust Your will in this situation. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!
Thank you Susan, for both your moving words, and for your willingness to host us every single week.
Oh Meg, your prayer blesses me. Thank you for joining!!!
Thanks for hosting, Susan and for your powerful post about family.
Rachel, it’s my honor and pleasure to host. We all have different textures in our families, good bad or indifferent, they are there for a reason. I want to learn the lesson so we can move to the good places!
Hi Susan and thanks for hosting! God bless you, Carlyn 🙂
There is nothing like family and I am blessed beyond words by the love and grace my family extends to each other. This is a timely post for me since my whole family was together last weekend. I love knowing that not only do I have my real family, I also have Jesus who is the glue who holds us all together. Have a blessed Friday and weekend.
Susan, thank you for not giving up on family and God’s ability to bring healing into your sadness.
Lord, do bring wholeness to Susan’s son — help him to see that you are a wise and compassionate Father. Thank you that you can meet him in his broken heart.
Thank you Michele. God is the ultimate healer. So wise and compassionate. Bless you for your prayers!
Thank you for hosting!
I am praying for your eldest and the healing of his heart. The forgiveness and the opening of his heart to let God and his family in. I am also praying for your aching Mama’s heart. May God fill the deep holes where the ache tries to find a home. May He give you a supernatural sense of peace and comfort.
Much love,
God bless you Lori. Thank you from the depths of my soul. And Gid is so very faithful. As soon as I finished typing in that he wouldn’t text, talk etc me, a text came through after a months silence. Praise God!
What a heritage, Susan!
Powerful and honest. Thank you. Praying for healing, for comfort, for the breaking of chains. #livefree
This is beautiful, Susan! Praying for you and your precious family. #livefreeThursday