Conviction hit. How did I get here?
10% more body fat than is healthy
Stiff as a board from sitting at a computer too long
Oh, Lord – I wanna be strong
I used to be healthy, fit, a runner who eagerly laced up each day to let of steam, stress and grumpiness with each stride I took. The woes of the day melted away as I ran along, listening to the song of nature, God’s birds cheered me on, running strong, seeing this glorious land God created for us to relish. I’d built a glorious temple that was 15.5% body fat and extremely fit.
Yet somewhere along the path between then and now, I made a decision to skip a day, then two and healthy slipped away, one little decision, dessert and delay at a time.
Does any of this resonate with you?
Last week I heard someone joke, “I’m so proud, the earrings I wore in high school still fit.” My oh my, conviction hit hard again! I was FIT then, now I was not. Dang, I don’t wanna even type the word FAT…
Here’s the deal, it’s not condemnation, it’s CONVICTION that hit! That’s from God – to wake us up to the need to change.
19 Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, 20 for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NLT)
God bought you with a high price.
Oh Jesus! Thank You. May I return to honoring You and You alone? I do not belong to myself. Wow, sure have been acting like whatever choice I made didn’t matter.
How wrong was my thinking?
How long have I missed this point?
And how many other instructions from God have I overlooked – or ignored?
Yes, conviction hit…hard!
[Tweet “God’s temple is holy. I was not. Yet God’s word clearly says I am His temple.”]16 Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you? 17 God will destroy anyone who destroys this temple. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.
1 Corinthians 3:16-17 (NLT)
I sure wasn’t living like that, Lord. I have defiled Your holy place with food and failure to honor this temple You reside in, Holy Spirit.
It’s not just dusty corners, it’s crusty, icky, sticky stuff I’ve gotta work hard to remove. Kinda like that baked on residue on a stove…HARD to get off, but so pretty when it’s design is fully restored. Yea, it’s time to restore God’s design here. Fit. Healthy. Wholesome.
God will destroy anyone who destroys this temple.
I had missed that verse totally. I lost 5 sizes several years ago and it’s time to finish what I started. I MUST make a change in my thoughts and actions, as I do not want to be destroyed – by disease, stress or obesity. They are not of God, yet I had fallen into the temptation of the flesh far too often.
[Tweet “It’s time to clean this house – my body – to honor God’s Word and His Holy temple.”]A friend shared she was committed to a 90 day fitness challenge. If she can, so can I! So in I jumped, like a cannonball. Splash! As long as I don’t hit the wall and go splat, we’ll be good, right?
I’ll share updates as we go through this 90-day challenge. 3 days in and my triceps are burning. I know what that means – these flappy turkey wing arms will melt and mold into toned ones, as long as I consistently make one healthy decision at time.
The decision? Honor God’s Holy Temple. Sweep out the junk and rebuild it – not for my vanity – for His glory.
How much work was required to build the original Temple of Solomon? How hard did they labor to construct the glorious Temple where God resided? Oh, how I want You to be fully present in me, Lord.
13 Then King Solomon conscripted a labor force of 30,000 men from all Israel. 14 He sent them to Lebanon in shifts, 10,000 every month, so that each man would be one month in Lebanon and two months at home. Adoniram was in charge of this labor force. 15 Solomon also had 70,000 common laborers, 80,000 quarry workers in the hill country, 16 and 3,600 foremen to supervise the work. 17 At the king’s command, they quarried large blocks of high-quality stone and shaped them to make the foundation of the Temple. 18 Men from the city of Gebal helped Solomon’s and Hiram’s builders prepare the timber and stone for the Temple.
1 Kings 5:13-18 (NLT)
A massive labor force was created to begin the work of building the Temple. Yet it didn’t start with erecting stone and timber, it started with cutting the timber and shaping the stone to lay a strong foundation.
[Tweet “Preparation. That’s the place to start a new endeavor!”]3 A voice cries out,
“In the wilderness clear a way for the Lord;
construct in the desert a road for our God.
Isaiah 40:3 (NET Bible)
In my wilderness, I must clear a way for the Lord. I’m a labor force – of one determined woman. It feels like a desert I’m entering. My task? Clear a road in this desert for my God to enter the temple I’m building for Him – instead of reaching for dessert.
Thank You, Lord God Almighty for showing me the way – The Way – to Your heart is obedience. Yes indeed, You paid a high price for me.
It’s past time for me to make time to (re)build Your Temple, Lord, honoring the One who paid the price for me.
I trust You will be with me every step of the way, guiding me and urging me on as I embark on a new path, a healthy path, a pathway of honor, Lord.
A side note – I looked up lunge in the Bible and found men lunging at Lot to break down the door in Sodom and Gomorrah. Is that how I felt about lunges – that they were from the evil one? Or was that simply a flimsy excuse?
So laugh with me and cheer me on as I tackle the construction of this temple for the Lord.
Did I mention I believe lunges and squats are stops along this new path?
Will there be pain? Probably. Growth requires I move out of my comfort zone, stop conforming to the patterns of my current life and move in a new direction – to the gym with a solid plan in hand, conviction in my heart and cheerleaders surrounding me, like the sideline chorus on race day.
When you wake up, think about winning the day. Don’t worry about a week or a month from now. Just think about one day at a time.
[Tweet “Live one day – or is that one decision? – at a time. OK, I can do that. “]Join me?
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What a great post! And a very Godly way to look at Fitness, not the vain way that the world sees it, but as God sees it. We are His Temple and He should have a temple that is of good repair.
Thank you so much for this insight. I look forward to following your journey, and thank you for linking up to Fitness Friday on Drops of Learning. I hope to see you back again tomorrow.
Susan, I got off the couch 6 months ago and rose to the challenge of training for a 5K with an app called C25K (couch to 5K). I did it! And now I’m training for a 10K. I discovered that I actually enjoy running, because I worked it properly, starting (very) slow and working up to the whole 5K. I tried a spin class last night and hated it. Never again. That stuff is HARD. But I know you can do it! Especially if you have the accountability of a friend (and your blog!). Keep going!!!
What a great way to put it, Susan! We are God’s temple and that includes guarding how much and what we allow in our mouths. I will pray for you in this worthy endeavor, my friend! It’s inspiring! Thanks for the linkup too!
I love this post, Susan but the first line had me really laughing. I actually read it to hubby. Well written post with lots of ideas and thoughts.
Susan, I’m totally in the same boat as you. I lost close to 25 pounds after the death of my son. A horrible way to get it done, I know, but my body felt so much better at that weight. Four years later and I’ m back up to former weight. I desperately need to get fit. Good for you that you’ve made the commitment to do just that.
~#9 on FMF linkup at
Boy, can I relate! I’ve been on a healthy way of life direction since August. Luckily I found a lovely coach on Instagram and have been a part of her online coaching class. I need the accountability and support. She is a Christian so it is a faith-based journey and acknowledging this body is only borrowed is a big motivator. I’m down 19 lbs, 14% body fat, and 15 inches!!! Now to maintain. Thanks for sharing; this will resonate with many of us!
Not only does the resonate with me, you could be writing for ME! I didn’t run as a young person, but I did begin in 2002. I ran consistently for about 5 years (including a 26.2 and a 13.1) … but like you, with each knee issue, joint this or that, my fitness slipped dramatically. I, too, am facing a new year with new fitness goals! Different that ones I had before, but goals nonetheless! Praying you experience joy and peace as you reclaim this area of your life for your King!
Susan, I linked up with you “Tuning Up my RPM’s” – I think it will resonate with you. I’m with you, sister.
Thanks for sharing! I really enjoyed reading it. Just remember this is your *starting point* not your finishing point…and we ALL start somewhere! You’ll get there girl. One squat and one day at a time. I’ve lost 50 pounds and have kept it off for more than 20 years & even with having 2 babies during that time. If you’re having a discourage day then message me (anyone else can too at and I’ll be more than happy to give you some encouraging words. Keep up the good work! You’ll be happy that you did 🙂
I spoke with my grandma this morning and she told me excitedly that joined the gym. She turned 81 years old this year and wants to keep her strength for gardening and yard work:) Her vision and motivation is inspiring. You’ve got this too!!! Motive is everything. Thank you for your right in time post as I prepare to present at a body image workshop next week!
Have you been peeking in my window when I get on the scale??
I’ve been loosing momentum lately in my battle for healthy eating and daily walks — this was just what I needed to read.
Blessings in your fight!
I’m with you, Susan. Want to be accountability partners. In my head, I want to work out and get stronger and more active . . . then other things call and the day slips by. Thanks for sharing your determination with us. I’m in! Winning the day!
(((Hug))) Love your vulnerability. Will sure be praying and cheering for you. I’m trying to take off the 10 pounds I found last year too. One day…one decision at a time…amen. Will love hearing your updates throughout the 90 days. (((Cheer))) <3
Hey Susan,’
I’m right there with you. Exercise has gone from a regular, weekly routine, to an occasional burst of working out–a very occasional burst 🙁 Thanks for the reminder of how important staying physically healthy is, and that there is a spiritual component to this as well. Wishing you the best on this journey.
Don’t ever give up! I love your transparency!!
Wow! Way to go, Susan! I’m proud of you, girl! Yes, I have flappy turkey wing arms too! The last 3 years (when I stopped doing pilates!) I’ve slowly put on weight. I’m also hoping to get it off. I started daily yoga, in addition to my daily walking, and let me tell you, my plank is already improving! 🙂 I need to add in better eating choices. That’s on my list for February! I thought I’d get the yoga habit going in January. (That’s enough change for this girl!) But you’re encouraging me to maybe start before February? Thanks for sharing this, friend!
I’m right there with you Susan. I’m within normal weight range (though at the very top of the range) so everyone always says, “You look great!”. What doesn’t show is the high cholesterol, high blood pressure and high percentage of body fat. Like you, I used to have the body fat of a runner and was very fit. Now that body fat has almost tripled! Ugh! I’ve been getting a jump start with a personal trainer at the Y and I’m also in a FB accountability group, #21poundsin21days. Accountability has been the best!
You go girl! I’ll look forward to hearing updates from you.
what an excellent blog post. Thanks for your raw honesty. I love it when He does that–that means grace is there to change! He is the point of it all, isn’t He? I am indeed His temple. Remind me of that truth, my Jesus.
Ouch… Conviction has been chasing me around for years…. I think I’m finally letting it catch me. Thanks for the inspiration today!
Susan, excited to be joining your linkup for the first time. With that said, you go girl! That 90-day challenge with get you back shape and hopefully reshape a new attitude that will keep you on track so you can continue encouraging women. I love your “One day at a time,” outlook. Best of luck, we are cheering you on!
*will get you back in shape … Lots of typos on my part!
It is so easy to wander off course. I had gradually found myself 70 pounds heavier than I should be. Like you, I thought, how did this happen? I was putting unnecessary stress on my joints, my heart, my whole body. It took a couple years…yes years…to take it all off. I also had to realize I had some emotional ties to food that needed to be severed. I guess I’m here to say that conviction is not condemnation, it’s just God saying…reminding…that we need to take care of His temples that He’s so graciously given us. Great post!
Susan, I could have written every.single.word of this post today myself. I’m in. I’m joining you! It’s time.