Black to Light – Hope Prevails – Linkup

Ever felt your world turn black?

Hope Prevails SBM

Depression settles in and unsettles you as it pulls the curtains on the world and everything simply turns black. It’s so black you want a friend to bring you a flashlight to show you the way out, yet you don’t even have the energy to care or call. Been there?

Depression settles in and unsettles you as it pulls the curtains on the world and everything turns black. It doesn't have to be permanent. #HopePrevails

So has Dr. Michelle Bengtson. Let me share a little about her. She is the tiniest woman with the biggest heart – ever.

Dr. B, as many affectionately call her, (PhD, Nova Southeastern University) has been a neuropsychologist for more than twenty years. She interned at the University of Oklahoma with “The Father of Neuropsychology,” Dr. Oscar “Oz” Parsons, and completed postdoctoral training at both the Henry Ford Hospital and the University of Alabama Health Sciences Center. She lives in Dallas/Fort Worth with her husband, their two sons, and three dogs. Learn more at

Just sayin’ – she knows her “stuff” – well. Really well.

Hope Prevails is Dr. B’s personal victory account and the magnificent lessons she learned as she traversed that black place called depression. Yes, she experienced that blackness AND The Bright Light – Jesus – as He walked with her from the dark black into the light of His love and healing.

Depression settles in and unsettles you as it pulls the curtains on the world and everything turns black. It doesn't have to be permanent. #HopePrevails

The good news? She freely shares the lessons learned. She starts with a letter to herself and ends with a letter to her reader. Now that’s where #HopePrevails for each one of us.

If you aren’t dealing with depression now, one of your dear friends may be. I encourage you to get Hope Prevails for yourself and every friend in need of a helping hand and a little light on their path. Please shine it for them – or yourself. Hugs.

#HopePrevails indeed!

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