Why do we feel like we're going through life naked if we're faithfully following God?
Why do we feel like we're going through life naked if we're faithfully following God? The Bible tells us the war has already been won yet some days we simply feel undone.
In Don't Go Through Life Naked, Susan B. Mead provides strong spiritual weapons for our lives through God's scriptures. Why? To enable each one of us to successfully clothe ourselves in God's Word and His power so we confidently step into His promises each and every day.
Don’t Go Through Life Naked is a 2019 Silver Illumination Award Winner.
Why do I feel like I’m going through life naked if I’m following God faithfully?
The Bible tells you the war has already been won, yet some days you simply feel undone. The enemy of your soul wants you to feel out of control…overwhelmed, outwitted and under resourced. When you listen to the lies the enemy weaves in your marriage, finances, relationships, and health, he wreaks havoc. Steals your joy. Kills your hope. And aims to not only dull, but destroy the power of God in your life.
In Don’t Go through Life Naked, Susan B. Mead shares her own deeply personal experiences with feeling exposed and engaging the enemy—from the recurring nightmares of childhood to the loss of her son and perceived judgment of others. With scriptural insight, let’s-get-real vulnerability, and a wry sense of humor, Mead helps readers:
– Toss out misconceptions about spiritual warfare to understand what Jesus really said about your spiritual authority and the certainty you have in him.
– Know what to pray to steady your soul and restore your confidence.
– Stop feeling overrun by the enemy and start believing the authority of God abides in you to overcome.
In Don’t Go through Life Naked, Mead provides strong spiritual weapons for your life through the scripture of God’s prayer book, the Bible. These weapons enable you to successfully clothe yourself in God’s power and promises every day. A portion of the proceeds of Don’t Go through Life Naked will benefit Proverbs 31 Ministries to help them continue teaching biblical truth and taking the hope of Jesus to women and families around the world.