R E S T. Rest assured. How does that word make you feel? …
I heard someone say a person with a Bible marked up lives a life not messed up. WOW! That stopped me in my tracks. Why? I NEVER wanted to…
Seriously, God? Have You seen my list? It is L O N G. It’s my husband’s birthday. People are coming. There is SO much to do. So many things on…
Daniel 11:36 [The King Who Exalts Himself ] “The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God…
Demean = cause a severe loss in the dignity of and respect for (someone or something), degrade, humiliate, shame, mortify, undignified, debase, lower, degrade, discredit, devalue Redeem = compensate for…
Thanksgiving = An act of giving thanks; an expression of gratitude; grateful acknowledgment of benefits or favors; an expression of thanks to God; a public act of religious observance or…
Stop and Start. Stop lookin at YOUR situation. Stop talking about YOUR brokenness. Start praising YOUR Mighty Lord God for His faithfulness. Start thanking HIM for YOUR life, YOUR purpose,…
Love is not a feeling. It is a commitment. Marriage is a covenant of that commitment. Sacred vows. How does that make me feel? Committed. In covenant. LOVE that! Deuteronomy…
Bestow = confer or present (an honor, right, or gift); grant, accord, afford, endow someone with, vest in, present, award, give, donate to, entrust with, vouchsafe Psalm 31:19 How abundant are…
Psalm 25:1 In you, Lord my God, I put my trust. Psalm 52:8 But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love…