Rusty nails and weathered wood. Upon the cross with Jesus stood. All eternity. He set us free. Divinity touched humanity. God set us free you see. He set us free.…
How to Win Your Child’s Heart for Life 8 Proven Strategies for Parents Do you have children at home right now? If so, would you like to win your child’s…
Incense Rising… Do you know someone who simply CAN? They can do anything – and they do it! Their faith sets a standard for you to follow, believe and act…
Have you ever found yourself in a hard place only to find out it’s exactly where you’re supposed to be? Yea, me too. I’m honored to share Brenda Bradford Ottinger’s…
Lies – we hear them all the time yet so often we may not know they’re lies. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.…
Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear child, Happy birthday to you. Oh how we love to celebrate the birth of our children. We plan, ponder…
Ever felt your world turn black? Hope Prevails SBM Depression settles in and unsettles you as it pulls the curtains on the world and everything simply turns black. It’s so…
I found something you may want to tap into…#WhyBible. Wycliffe Bible Translators USA Launches #WhyBible Campaign to Spark Discussion of Scripture’s Relevance to Modern Life ORLANDO — July 5,…
Are we lawless? Or are we deeply loved by our great God above? 22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,…
If we would get along, then our world would be a better place, right? Right, I thought the same thing, so let’s dig a little deeper. Is there someone you…