Overcome debt. Apply your faith to your finances.

How Applying Faith to Finance Can Help You Overcome Debt

Most people in the United States have dealt with debt and the stress that comes with it at least once in their lives, if not on a continuous basis. Are…

Where Do You Want To Be?

Where do you want to be in 5 years?  In 10 years? How many times have you asked or been asked those questions? Long-range planning is important.  God often gives…

Explode your online business with the 2019 BC Stack now

Have the Audacity to Explode Your Online Business

If you haven’t already seen this, stop what you’re doing right now, and check out this one-time only deal.   It’s like if Cyber Monday and Christmas Morning joined forces…

How to Create a Stunning Container Garden in an Hour

Container Gardening With all the loss of trees and landscaping near me and across the country from the recent tornados I thought a quick summer project to create a stunning…

Memorial Day. A day to remember the sacrifice of death many paid for our freedom.

10 Things Christians Should Know about Death, Burial and Cremation

Memorial Day. A day to relax or remember? It’s a day dedicated to remember those who fought for our freedom yet paid the price with their lives. Since Memorial Day…

4 Powerful Ways Business Owners Can Lead Calmer, Happier Lives

Many of us are working harder and for longer hours than ever before. We spend more time at work than we do with our families, our spouses and our best…

Knit together in my mother's womb.

The Secrets God Knit Together in My Mother’s Womb

Knit together… [Tweet “What do Your knitting needles look like, Lord?”] I can see them working diligently over the 9 months that are required for You to knit me together…

Want a better place to work?

Loving Mondays: Make Your Business a Better Place to Work

While all of the other business owners in your area and field are busy crunching numbers and trying to find a way to lower their expenses, you’re one step ahead.…

Oh the struggles in life are so real.

The Struggles in Life Are Real

Misty Phillip shares her story of finding calm in the chaos of life when facing the struggles in life that are so real life seems impossible. Let her words wash…

Time keeps on ticking during motherhood.

Time Keeps on Ticking Especially During Motherhood

Time keeps on ticking indeed. Seems to go faster each year. My friend, Rachel Marie Martin, the woman behind FindingJoy.net, penned these words in her book, The Brave Art of…